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Welcome Message #9100b

Come on in! Poke around! There's scraps of game design, experimental writing, flash fiction, some unfinished serial stories. To set expectations: this is more notebook than publication. A lot of the writing here is rough, experimental, and unedited. It's written for the part of me that likes paint splattered on studio tables, and reading other folks' in-progress work, and getting things done and posted. It goes back to teenage work, if you dig a little; mostly free-writing, short fiction studies, and late-night rambling. Quality in the backlog varies accordingly, and it's here for context rather than because it's necessarily worth reading. On a ttrpg kick currently, and doing a lot of writing about the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG.

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REPORT/COMPILED_LOGS/IV (Mothership Microfiction)