Writing Tips- No. 1

"Don't have characters whose names start with the letter S." Sloane said.
Pay attention to the above if you want. I don't. If you care about the alliteration, but want a character with an S name, just use different dialogue tags.

"The silence was tantalizingly scented with the smell of sweet, soft rose petals."
Be careful with your adjectives. Too many can give your readers a headache, among other horrifically savage ailments. Seriously though, be careful.

"The cat was as soft as a towel wrapped in sponge-cake clouds."
Please be careful with metaphor. Don't contradict a previous metaphor, and don't put a metaphor within a metaphor (unless you mean to, as a joke).  

"The process of turning on the microwave was a maze of metaphors within metaphors about plays within plays."
You know what? Don't even joke around with metaphors. Just don't.

"Stay up late."
Don't. You have to wake up in the morning, and there are people. (I wish I was lying about the 'people' thing, but I'm not; they're everywhere.)

Take notes.
Write whenever you have the time,
and even when you don't,
to hell with it, write anyways.
Don't let things like 'reality' and 'practicallity',
stop you, they're not as important as they wish they were.
Novel, essay, song,
poem, play, short story,
elegy, obituary, article,
it doesn't matter, just write.
Trust me, I'm 16.

(That means I know more than you)
