Character Profile - Hernan "Warthog" Branta

Hernan “Warthog“ Branta

Gender: Male. 
Hair: Short cut and wiry.
Eyes: Phosgene green. 
Height: 6’ 
Weight: 137 lbs. 
Build: Like celery: thin and stringy.  
Handedness: Right. 
Clothing: Dresses for durability. Canvas and tarp-cloth. Jackets with pockets, and boots with high-tops and thick laces and steel toecaps. Dresses in green and brown. 
Personality: Stoic; almost Vikingesque. 

Age: Slightly older than the others. 
Nationality: Born on the Moon; his parents were born on earth. Sometimes reverts to the slightly Germanic accent he learned from his parents. 
Occupation: Mechanic. 
Aliases: Warthog to his crew for some reason. He’s never asked, and they’ve never said. 

Likes: Practicality and precaution. Reserves and backups and failsafes.
Loves: Pockets, pencils, the metric system, and the collection of atmosphere samples he’s gathered from Earth, Venus, and Jupiter. 
Dislikes: Staying still. Public transportations. 
Hates: Waiting. 
Wants: To see everything he can before he dies. 

General: Hernan Branta is an only child. He’s been most of the way alone since he was young, but he’s always been able to find work because he’s always been a decent mechanic. He’s good friends with Møna, and has been since before they were on a crew together; he’s the only one who refers to her by name. He goes stir-crazy easily. 
