Writing Prompts, No. 1

Leave a prompt in the comments, it doesn't matter if it's a challenge or just something you'd like to see; humorous, dramatic, or nebulous. I'll see if I can answer it with a short story or at least a paragraph, and I'll post the result under stories.
If you're looking for prompts yourself, here's a few: 
  • Write a paragraph about dogs. 
  • Look out your window. What do you see? What would you rather see?
  • Describe a trip to the supermarket gone horribly wrong. 
  • What if furniture could talk? Write a paragraph or two about a world where it can. (hypothetical situations make excellent prompts.)
  • Write a dialogue that begins: "Well that could have gone better." and see if it turns into a story. 
  • Do a bit of research, then write a short story set in Andorra. 
  • Invent a character, then kill them. 
