Character Profile - Kareem Rosalowski

Kareem Rosalowski

Gender: Male. 
Hair: Buzzcut dirty blonde.
Eyes: Damp terracotta. 
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 153 lbs. 
Build: Stodgy, would look good in a pith helmet. 
Handedness: Right. 
Clothing: Dresses somewhere between urbane and flippant. Hardly ever wears grey or black. Doesn’t like hats; occasionally forgets this fact. 
Personality: Simultaneously intense and laid back. 

Age: 28
Nationality: Indian-German, born in Hamburg, moved to Wyoming.
Occupation: Astronaut and test pilot. 
Aliases: None. 

Likes: Silence. Documentaries about science or birds. Company. 
Loves: War movies. Books (particularly mystery novels). 
Dislikes: Tea, pigeons, and conversations over the phone. 
Hates: Crowded rooms. Los Angeles. 
Wants: To be an astronaut. To be the first at something.

General: Kareem is from the “Hurry up and wait” camp. He doesn’t say anything that anyone else could say instead. Usually polite. Relatively protective of Cypris Maricela Alta Cranford-Tracker; uses her full name nevertheless. Kareem is the second of five children. Had an extra toe on his left foot when he was born, but his parents had it removed. 
