Dangerous Cargo for Mothership

1. Live Tentaclor specimens. Wriggly and naughty. Always trying to escape and seek warmth.

2. Blue jeans. Distrusted (and often banned) by many autocratic management structures who crack down on their carriers, sometimes harshly. 

3. Nitroglycerin, for mining.

4. Core samples. Risk of containing buried pathogens or unpredictable chemicals, depending on the sample source. Must be stored in simulated native atmosphere (potentially toxic or corrosive.)

5. Bulk data hardcopies. A target for data raiding. Must be kept in proper temperature.

6. Tubes of AGRIMAX cultivars. Highly invasive, unpredictable cross-pollination with native species.

7. Torpedoes. 

8. Experimental bio-minds. Highly valuable and untrustworthy. Powerful self-preservation instinct. Built for the ruthless management of unruly rim settlements. 

9. Terraforming fuels. Mixture of gasses, reactants, and aerosol fertilizers. Non-toxic but highly flammable and under extreme pressure.

10. Toxic waste. Slurry of manufacturing runoff, spent fuels, slags, and biohazards. Do not touch. Do not burn. If you can't cover a spill with your thumb, YOU'RE TOO CLOSE.
