Desperate Medicines for Mothership
Injured or distressed, and short on cash? Never fear!
(Fear a little. It might get messy.)
1. Organ Trade. The Company always needs donors. You'll get a set of low-grade synthetic organ replacements (-1d10 body save), they take the originals, and you get an immediate 200kcr payout after the cost of the procedure.
2. Corporeal Property Lending Exchange (CPLE). Borrow against your body to pay for your body! No downpayment needed! Loan for up to 6mcr, that must be paid back in full after 2d10 months or the Company will seize your body and sell it component-by-component. This is all strictly legal, you understand. They made very sure.
3. Volunteer for Experimental Treatment. Make a body save. Critical Success: It works! Restore a wound. Success: Restore a wound and take 1d10 stress. Failure: 1d10 DMG to all Saves. Critical Failure: Adverse reaction. Make a Death Check.
4. Medical Servitude. The Company takes full legal possession of your body (sole exception: your consciousness), and as such will cover the necessary maintenance expenses to keep you operational, contingent on your value as an asset, of course!
5. Peace Pills (x5). 3kcr. Reduce 1d10 Stress. Side effects include hair loss, shivering, difficulty sleeping, paranoia. Sanity Saves at [-] for a week. There is a danger of addiction and/or overdose if used frequently.
6. Xenosponge. 10kcr. Pack it in there! Restores 1 wound. 10% chance the sponge reproduces prolifically, reducing Speed by 2d10.
7. Angel in the Dark. Some doctors have seen enough. They work for free, living on scraps and favors, drifting around the edges of some of the worst places the frontier has to offer, where the need is greatest. You might be able to find one, but you'll have to travel to some horrible corners of the galaxy to do it.
8. Self-flagellation. 700cr/session. Relieves all your stress. Does 1d10 DMG.
9. Corporate Insurance Policy. Pay the Company 2,000cr/month. In exchange, there's a 30% chance that a given medical procedure will be covered. 200cr copay. Doesn't include vision or dental work.
10. Death Cup. The galaxy-spanning tournament franchise takes thousands of medically indebted contestents every season. You could be one of them! If you win, they'll fix you up and give you a 500kcr prize. If you lose, they'll use what's left of you to fix up the winners!
Written for Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG. (My current obsession.) (v0.10)
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